Support for the protest against NATO
The Initiative Against Militarism joins calls for protests against NATO, the war and the arms industry. In its call, as in its research and activist work, it focuses in particular on the ways in which war and the arms industry are deeply embedded in local political and economic processes, while at the same time society is under constant ideological assault to convince us that war is not only necessary, but even desirable.
Statement and a call to protest
Since the beginning of Slovenia's NATO membership its residents have been actively involved, willingly or unwillingly, in many wars around the world. In the past, for example, in the wars of conquest in Afghanistan and Iraq, and currently in the war in Ukraine and in Israel's genocidal war against the Palestinians and Palestinian women. All these wars are (have been) our wars. The Slovenian army was the occupying military force, Slovenia donated and sold its weapons for use in war. Slovenia finances weapons development with public money. That is why these are our wars.
They are additionally our wars because we live in a world that is fundamentally determined by their consequences. They determine the prices of food, fuel, the possibilities of travel, cultural exchange, the formation of people-to-people contacts, and last but not least, they determine the topics of public discourse, the mood of society, the rhetoric and posture of local authorities. The war is here.
Concretely, to demand peace today means to demand the dismantling of the apartheid regime, the occupation of genocide in Palestine, the cessation of all military interventions in Ukraine, the dismantling of the military industry and the dismantling of military structures such as NATO. This means, among other things, the rejection of all war propaganda in all its forms and the constant struggle against nationalism, patriarchy and all other expressions of the idea that the lives of some are worth more than the lives of others. Wars start here and we must stop them here.
On 28 March 2024, we join the protest No NATO, give us peace! and call on everyone to fight against the war machine in a self-organised manner.
War is not a simulation.
Weapons are not a value.
Initiative against militarism